brain science made digestible...

(...With caffeine, of course)

If you're looking to learn how your brain works, how your brain is different from those around you, and how you can use this knowledge to improve the quality of your day-to-day life: welcome, you made it!

Or, if you just want to hear about all the hot new brain research going on: same here. But I'll save you from reading a 12-page, 10-font, single-spaced research article.

And on the off chance your sanity can handle me ramble on about anything and everything even vaguely related to the brain: you're either my mom, or you have way too much free time on your hands. Either way, make yourself comfortable.

Start here

When I first started my neuroscience degree, I realized how little we’d been taught about our brains growing up. There’s no elementary or high school class that says, “Here’s your brain – you know, that little thing in your head that only allows you to exist and to acknowledge said existence – and here’s what it does.” Some high schools offer psychology courses, but there’s so much more to the story. The more I thought about this, the more absurd I found it to be. Our brains dictate every single aspect of our lives, and yet most of us haven’t the first clue how it works. 

One day, in one of my neuroscience lectures, a classmate (George Oshiote) and I bonded over these concerns. We were equally frustrated by the issue and passionate about finding a solution. By the end of my junior year, George asked me to help him start a student organization that would introduce high school students to the field of neuroscience. The organization was named “Power in Neuroscience,” and it was up and running less than 3 months later. (You can check out our organization and its mission here).

But more than just young people deserve to learn about the organ that creates and dictates the human experience. I think it’s paramount that everyone has access to basic knowledge about all of the powers of the brain because it truly is life changing – from habits, to sleep, and so much more.

You also might be wondering: “Why NeuroBrew?” 

My absolute favorite time to read about the brain is when I’m drinking my morning coffee. It gives me just enough inspiration to get going, especially on mornings when I’m feeling particularly pessimistic, which is more often than I’d like (yes, I’m one of those “don’t talk to me before I’ve had my coffee” people). I think everyone needs a dash of inspiration in their day, as mawkish as that sounds, because it’s so readily available in the world around us – and the world within us. So sit down, enjoy a coffee, tea, or your beverage of choice, and unlock the power of your brain.

What to expect

Did you know that your brain can sufficiently learn a short piano routine simply by visualizing it repeatedly? Or that your brain continues changing every day past the age of 25? Or even that your brain releases its own versions of cannabis, morphine, and DMT? These are just a few of the things I’ll discuss in my posts. I’ll cover:

  • how to improve your memory and sports performance by unravelling the neuroscience of learning and sleep,
  • how you can lose an entire half of your brain in childhood and still live a completely normal life with the damage undetected,
  • and how classic party drugs are now being used to treat depression.

You’ll learn about how to improve self-belief networks, tap into your creativity, and all about the latest research on spirituality, mental health disorders, consciousness, and more.

Did you know that consciousness may not be unique to humans and that dolphins have names for each other? And that many vitamin supplements and miracle cures are a waste of money for most people? You’ll have to tune back in to find out why.

My posts are aimed towards:

  • those with science backgrounds,
  • those without science backgrounds,
  • those interested in self-improvement and mental health,
  • older folks interested in aging and neuroplasticity,
  • younger folks interested in optimizing study habits,
  • and just about anyone who would like to know themselves a little better. 

Down the line I’ll try to incorporate short videos, surveys, tips, tricks, and more. For now, enjoy!

about me

Hi, I’m Julie Hoeflinger! This past spring, I graduated with a bachelor’s of science in neuroscience with a specialization in behavioral/systems and a minor in creative writing from THE Ohio State University (I, too, hate the “THE” but feel obligated to pay my respects after OSU went through all that trouble trying to trademark the word “the.” They didn’t succeed, by the way). I’m from Toledo, Ohio and haven’t been able to make my escape just yet. No disrespect, it’s just time we… go our separate ways. I’ll keep it nice, Toledo, you still hold a special, muddy place in my heart. Next fall I’ll be earning my masters in science communication (if all goes as planned), and let’s just say I haven’t looked at any schools in Ohio. I suppose I’ll go wherever my heart – or the wind – or, rather, my brain – takes me. To be continued!